An accessory and support very useful if you want to turn one of the products of Entry Collection in Gold Red 9 Kt. .
If you own and you buy for example, a bracelet Entry Collection with Initial/Letter, Damianissima, Golf line or another, always in Red Gold, you can turn into a Necklace, thanks to the use of this Chain perfectly matched.
The Chain woman, weighs about g. 1.70, is a fine of symbol DAMIANI jewelry with a custom closure embellished with a Diamond ct. 0.005 .
This thin Chain, like many others of DAMIANI jewelry products (made in Italy), has the ability to be worn in two different sizes, the maximum size is cm. 50 meter to cm. 42 is a ring inserted in order to hang up.
- 20062820 Model : Thin Chain, Red Gold 9 Kt. – long cm. 42/50.
It will give you the opportunity to take advantage in an alternative way of other jewels belonging to Related collections.