
Rensi gioielli s.r.l. has the right to copyright on the pictures that are part of the website as the majority of them have been produced within our company.
  • Any breach, or commercial or wrongful use, unauthorized by Rensi gioielli s.r.l. will be verified and persecuted to the full extent of the law.
  • Initially there will be a simple warning to the website and provider involved, which will be followed by a notification to the competent authorities if the first notification will not prove effective and all the photos in question will not be removed from the website within 14 days after the first alert was issued.
  • Place of jurisdiction: the competent court for any dispute will be that of Padua (Italy).
  • For images that are not our property: the Brand’s Copyright applies, or that of the Author who must authorize their use specifically and explicitly.